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Driveway with drainage channels

Driveway drainage solutions

Isle of Wight


Broadoaks, Driveway contractors specialising in garden drainage Solutions, a driveway with inadequate drainage solutions can lead to serious problems which can damage the home. Some people have experienced water seeping into their home and their garage being flooded.


These things can be attributed to a driveway which is poorly planned. If you have not had any driveway problems, you surely would want to keep it that way – and in order to do so, it is vital that proper driveway drainage solutions are put in place.

This is an example of the damage, of having no drainage system in place.  

Driveway Drainage Options




Swales are very important for homes which have areas on both ends of the driveway sloping down. A swale is a shallow depression. It is wider than it is deep. The swale will collect storm water and will allow it to re-enter the groundwater. Swales will prevent water from flowing down the driveway and flooding your home.


Placement and slope


Placement and slope is very important when installing a drainage system for your home.  Whenever possible, your driveway should not be placed in a low-lying area. You must also refrain from putting your driveway in a spot where water typically flows during rain.


Drainage channel


Drainage channel is the solution for people who live in houses which are below street level. Drainage channels come in a variety of lengths and can be combined with a wide range of accessories to aid the installation and connection to the main drain.


Permeable pavements


Homeowners not only want a driveway which appeals to the eye, but they also want a pavement which provides the best drainage solution.  Permeable pavements will allow water to pass through openings and voids to reach the soil beneath.  Permeable surfaces reduce the possibility of run-off, making flooding less likely.

Ditch filled with water running through
Swale containing Storm water.jpg
Drainage options

Soak aways,

for driveways and gardens

When we build a soak away, we don’t just dig a hole then fill it with rubble and hop for the best ?


we us the the Polystorm range of modular cell system thay are designed with a 95% void ratio to retain large volumes of water run-off. The Polystorm cells can be designed and built to a specific size to a total void volume requirement dependent upon the water run-off volumes required on a particular project (i.e. driveways, hard stands or building).


Soak away
Drainage preparation

Drainage preparation

Levels being taken for the preparation and installation of the drainage.

Soil pipes

Soil pipes

Installation of soil pipes



Gravel backfill

Gravel backfill

Drainage channels

Drainage channels

Linear drainage channels

Linear drainage channels

Completed drainage system

Completed drainage system

Specialist drainage solutions
Image 27-01-2019 at 20.27.jpg
Manhole rebuilt
flooded soccer field after heavy rain.

Garden drainage specialist

Isle of Wight

Poor drainage in the garden can have many causes.

 If you have a high seasonal water table you will find that the water sits on or close to the surface during periods of high rainfall.


If your soil structure is heavy, this too can reduce soil permeability and cause poor drainage.


Low points in the garden, can allow water to collect and drain poorly.


Walking on your poorly drained lawn when it's wet can further add to the problem because the wet soil compacts and loses its structure.



If the problem exists in only a small low point, it might be worthwhile considering turning a problem into a design feature by digging out a border and filling it with plants that love their feet to be wet. But if you want a lawn you can actually walk on after the rain without it turning into a mud bath, then you should install an underground drainage system of land drains.


Land drains are trenches consisting of single walled corrugated PVC-U pipe supplied perforated for the collection and removal of surface and sub surface water and gravel;  they work by encouraging the water to enter the trench because the gravel provides less resistance than the surrounding soil. (Water will always travel to the area of least resistance if encouraged to do so). The trenches then carry the water away from the problem zone.

Garden drainage

Land drainage solutions, guaranteed to remove excessive surface water

No project is too big or too small for the team at Broadoaks. Our professionals bring their years of expertise into every drainage service we provide, so we can guarantee you the highest quality and best results. We know you’ll love what we do.

Drainage pipe: New culvert under small c

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